Xedithor: 2D Sprite Editor

I created 2D sprite  editor. version 1.00 is released.  :) . At beginning, actually I wanna create a game, but I think I need a tool to make my job is easier in term of anything when handling 2D sprite (yes, it’s 2D game) .  Furthermore, game tool in a game  development is make possible to divide a jobs, between artist , game designer, and programmer. so, in non-trivial game dev, tool is must !. But why I create this? why didn’t use available sprite editor outside there? . Before write the first line of code of this editor, actually I had been search on internet, yeah, there are some of them make me interested (an example Allegro Sprite Editor ),  but i decide to make it (as simple as possible )  from scratch so I can customized the output. (saved and exported sprite file format”) . And now, after about ~ 2,5 month first version is already released . it can create animation , save it to .xml, exported to binary, and I already success read the binary use LibGDX to construct a animation. I plan to read the output in SDL too.  this sprite editor is created using Qt framework , coded in C++. Link of the project:  http://code.google.com/p/xedithor/ . I can’t deny that this work is influenced by sprite editor that used by company out there (I know, because i used it ,hehehe ) . Just like Linus Trovald create GIT inspired by BitKeeper. :D

here is first shoot video:  [please see full screen, I think youtube edit my video ]


other video** : Creating animation: [HD video]**

Note that, this program is not designed to draw image sprite. So first you must supply an image source. From this image, you slice image to create modules. Combination of one or more modules will create frames . Frames is used to compose an animation then. All description about modules, frames and animations will be save in a XML file. Last step of creation sprite is export it. Exported files then can be read in game code to re-construct animation in a game.

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